Friday, April 29, 2011

Don't let me Settle

"Don't Let me Settle for someone who's second best
Don't Let me Settle for someone like all the rest
For I believe there is only One out there for me
And no one else will do so I will wait on You
I will wait on You."

 ~chorus to a song I wrote my freshman year in college

It's still my prayer. I'm learning to wait on the Lord. For He is faithful that promised.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

To love Jesus more any cost

"Lord, I give up all my own plans and purposes
All my own desires and hopes
And accept Thy will for my life.
I give myself, my life, my all
utterly to Thee to be Thine forever.
Fill me and Seal me with Thy Holy Spirit
Use me as Thou wilt,
Send me where Thou wilt,
Work out Thy whole will in my life,
At any cost, Now and Forever."

~Prayer of Betty Scott Stam~

I read a story yesterday in the book Quest for Love by Elisabeth Elliot. Betty Scott and John Stam gave their lives to the work of Christ so much so that even though they loved each other deeply they still said the work of the Lord first. She had gone ahead of him into Missions a year before he would be finished with school. He did not feel it right to ask for her hand and ask her to wait for him.God's work came first. So they both, knowing that they loved each other went their separate ways to fulfill the call of God on their take the Gospel to the Chinese people. Niether knew what God had in store for them with this love they had, but simply laid it down and continued the work God had given them to do. They were both Slaves to Christ and no one else.

In a year from this time, John graduated and got accepted into the China Inland Mission. Soon they were united and married . All in God's sovereign time. 11 months later they had a baby girl, Helen Priscilla Stam.

Betty wrote the above prayer years before John and Betty were married. Just 3 months after their daughter was born, and 14 months after they were married, they were Captured by Chinese Communists, walked through the village half naked, and beheaded for the Cause of Christ.

Monday, April 11, 2011

To Count it all as Loss

Today I had Starbucks with my friend Mallory...this is not an uncommon occurance. Mallory and I meet at least once a week for coffee. I am so thankful for a friend like Mallory.Her Quiet and Sweet Spirit inspires me and challenges my thinking. By being able to hear her journey as a believer she is constantly causing me to question my real motives for the ways that I think and the reasons I do what I do...Who is the center of my world? Me .........or Jesus? Who am I really seeking to please in the long run? I am very thankful for the true friend that I have in her.
Satan will do anything and everything to get my attention away from Christ. And he succeeds at this far too often. He wants my thoughts on myself or anyone who is not Christ. He would even take my "religious attempts" at doing something "good" for Jesus as long as my attention is really on myself and not truly on Jesus. Sometimes when the Lord gives me a revelation, I may boast in the fact that I got a revelation rather than being humbled by the Word of the Lord...How Selfish am I? :( Satan wants my life...He is after me! And Oh! How I live like he is not....this scares me....However, I will not stop fighting...I must become more aware. I need more wisdom. I think I'm some good person, but I'm not. I am a sinner and am constantly in need of my Savior! I need to Know Jesus More!

I want to truly count it all as loss compared to Knowing my God.