Sunday, January 23, 2011

Speaking the Truth in Love: some food for thought

So tonight I heard a sermon on some verses in Ephesians 4... The context is the Unity of the church.

In verse 14 Paul is telling the people that we are no longer to act like children in our faith being tossed to and fro being carried away by false doctrine...He goes on in verse 15 to say that we are to always confront these lies and speak the truth in love : "But speaking the truth in Love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ." KJV

I looked up the words Speaking in truth in the Lexicon in the back of my Bible. 
  •   not only referring to speaking the truth but referring to presenting an action as truth and not counterfeit.
I looked up the word Love:
  • Benevolent Love, however, it's benevolence, is not shown by doing what the person loved desires, but what the one who loves deems as needed by the loved one.

I am still studying... goodnight

Friday, January 21, 2011


I have picked back up with my songwriting...I am really enjoying it. I used to wait for inspiration to write a song, but a friend of mine who is a songwriter for a living shared with me that it is best to use your tool regularly and write as many songs as you can as often as you can. I am not much of a writer...God helps me alot :), but I do enjoy songwriting. I am going to work diligently with the time God has given me and hopefully prepare myself for what God has planned for me in the future.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

You're Worth It!!!

 This is back from a Couple years ago, but I still need to speak this over my heart. I constantly need the Lord to remind me of my worth. Deep in my heart I sometimes still feel not good enough, not worth it, and not beautiful. When the Lord tries to bless me with Supernatural Blessings (you know, the ones that only could have been the Lord because they are so amazing), I tell myself I don't deserve them, that I don't believe they are real because they are so amazing....This in turn hinders me from receiving them. At first I thought I was being humble, But I realize now that all this is is a False Humility and Self Deprecation. I am unable to receive and believe in a miracle cause of False Humility...How sad. But the Lord is Gracious! Lord, Change my heart and remind me who I am in You and Allow me to believe in and receive your Supernatural Blessings!

Here is my old blog:

Prov. 31:10 says,
"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies."

This is a well known verse and i honestly have never understood it. I had never seen it before now, but it says her PRICE is far above rubies. I mean i have read this verse a million times, but i have not understood this until now. I have been asking the Lord what it means to be a woman of virtue. This is a little bit of what he has revealed to me:

A virtuous woman realizes that she is worth So Much and that her heart belongs to Jesus and she must guard it above all things (Prov 4).
God designed a woman to want to be pursued and He designed the Man to want to do the pursuing. When we get these out of order, things get messy, confusing, and painful for both genders.
A virtuous woman does not give her heart away.We women are eager to be submissive, to be loved, to be cared about, to be chased after. This comes with a price. Women we MUST WAIT! There is no getting around it.If they want us they WILL pursue us. When we don't wait, it just causes confusion.Now im not saying that you can't be friends and all that. But if you like the guy and he's not doing anything about it and you decide you are going to help him out and make the first move....DON"T DO IT! When we don't wait, the guys are not able to chase us.We go ahead and give them parts of our heart expecting them to know what to do with it when they haven't worked for it...then we wonder what is wrong, why they don't pursue us. Well...if we have already given them our heart , there is nothing for them to chase after!

We have to understand that , as a woman, we come with a price! And it's more costly than rubies!! You are not worthless! You are worth everything to God! It's a picture of Christ and his Bride the church. HE gave everything for you! So be who you are called to be: A VIRTUOUS WOMAN. God wants to bless you beyond your wildest imaginations if you'll only WAIT! Then the men can truly be men and pursue us.

Our responsibility is to guard our heart until the right man comes along who will WORK get the pay the PRICE .....for Us!! Because A woman after GOD's Heart is WORTH IT!

"And though the hardest part is THE WAITING in the end it mean everything to be presented pure and blameless to HIM." - from The Waiting

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

first time blogger

Soo....I have thought about starting a blog for a long time. I have always wanted to, but never thought that I would keep up with it or even have anything to say worth being read by others. However I have decided to give it a chance. We shall see what happens...