Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Betty's Prayer: a new song

a new song.... based on the story i posted a little while back about Betty Scott Stam.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Poor in Spirit: My Perspective of Honduras

Wow! Where do I even begin?

This past week was my first experience on an overseas Mission trip....I have been overseas before on 2 choir tours for college, but never for missions. It was the most amazing trip that I have ever been on....

A few months ago I began getting really uncomfortable in my spirit. I was uncomfortable being comfortable! I was so tired of being in my comfort zone. I wanted to go on an adventure with the Lord. I was tired of business as usual at my job, at home, everywhere. Recently before this trip this feeling intensified to the point that when we got down there to Honduras to the poorest places and the orphanages I was so comfortable being there with them. I could have stayed there, and I can't wait to go back.

When the opportunity first came up about this school mission trip to Honduras, I immediately was interested. I went to an information meeting about it and came home to tell my parents about it. They were not as interested in the thought of going as I was. In fact they were very against me going... mostly for safety reasons. There was no arguing with them so I dropped it and tried to accept it as the Lord's will and just honor them. About a month later I went to the Passion Conference in Atlanta. One night while I was there they were showing a video about them taking the Conference to other countries. One minute I was enjoying the video, the next the Lord spoke to me and I knew I was supposed to go to Honduras. I had to go.....So I brought it back up to my parents who were still very opposed. I told them the Lord had spoken to me and I knew I was supposed to go. I asked them to pray about it and then I just left it in the Lord's hands. I never doubted from that moment on that I was supposed to go. And God was faithful! He changed both my parents hearts about me going. I didn't have to press them. God used other means to convince them by his own Power. Others knew I was supposed to go too and prayed to such ends! It was amazing how God orchestrated this trip! My parents were still very nervous for me to go and had a difficult time trusting the Lord about me, but they are learning and I am very thankful for them listening to the Lord. It's hard for them me being the baby of the family and the only girl...but they Love the Lord and they love me! :) But the Lord loves me more!

After many fundraisers and much prayer we departed from Atlanta last friday. I'm not even sure where to begin. There is a family connection that our group has through our Leader, Mrs. Wanda Peterson. Several years ago Mrs. Wanda's daughter , Amanda (who is my age) sent a letter in her shoebox through the Operation Christmas Child ministry. The Girl who got her box wrote Amanda back and since then the relationships between Mrs. Wanda and the Girl's family have been built. The Girl's name is Suellen and the first night we were in Honduras Suellen got married. They planned it so that Mami Wanda (as they lovingly call her) could be there. The Love that Suellen's whole family has for Mrs. Wanda was so precious! And throughout the week we got the chance to get to know the WHOLE family. Suellen and her little girl Ellie, Suellen's sister Danny and Her family :), and other cousins....they saw us all as family! It made the trip ten times more Real! By the end of the trip we were all crying hating to see each other go.

The girls at Alpha & Omega Singing for us
The 2nd day we went to an orphanage called ALPHA & OMEGA. This was my favorite place that we went. The Orphanage is supported by Samaritan's purse. They give chickens, pigs, and other animals and help them learn how to take care of them. The orphanage has a church and a school also. The church started out as just the orphans and then the community surrounding them started hearing the music and would ask if they could come and now there are about 200 people who come to the church. What was so amazing to me about this orphanage was that the house parents who run it are teaching the orphans to reach out to their community. The older girls in the house go into the poorest villages and minister and invite people to church. While we were here, the older girls (ages 13-17) performed songs for us. A few played guitar and the rest sang. It was so precious! After they sang for us, we sang and danced for them.
They are familiar with the Revelation Song in Honduras so we sang that.

The girls and I and Angelina in the church at Alpha & Omega
After this we had a time to play with the kids doing face paint, fingernail painting, soccer, and other games, but the older girls grabbed me and asked me to sing for them. They grabbed a guitar and handed it to me and we all sat around on the steps and sang in English and in Spanish. We sang Hymns and New songs. They even gave me an English piece that I didn't know and made me sight read it :) That was fun! They taught me "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" in Spanish and made me practice it and practice it until I got it right. We did this for about an hour and then when they found out I played the piano they took me to the church and plugged up the keyboard and we sang some more. I then told them that I write songs and I played "The Waiting" for them. They loved it in English, but when I and another from our Mission Group tag-teamed to try to explain to them what it meant and they actually understood they Loved it even more! :) That made me so happy to know that one of the songs the Lord has given me for young girls may have the possibility of impacting a girl there!! These girls became very very close to my heart and are now my sisters! After we had time to play with them, they took us to the poorest village in the city which was interestingly called "Glory of God". We went with the older girls to pass out candy to the children and talk to the families. This community little by little is being converted to Christianity. After all of this is when we had to say our goodbyes.... It was not too too hard for me there because something in my heart told me I would see them again. The ride back to the hotel was what was hard for me realizing that I wasn't the one who was ministering to them that day.... JESUS was the one ministering to US.

The People in Honduras have next to nothing materially compared to us, but they seem to understand the Love of God way more than we do.  Matthew 5:3 says,

      "Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

Merci, Me, and Tanya- these girls seemed
to be the leaders of the group. Love them! :)
Talk about being Poor in Spirit.  Something I learned this week is that they are way more blessed than us. We may be blessed with material wealth, but the Beattitudes don't say anything about "blessed are the materially wealthy people"...... in fact it's hard for the rich to enter the kingdom. These people don't have a lot of material possessions, but they have what they need because the Father provides it and they acknowledge it is from Him and have faith that he will continue to provide for them, and then they have each other! The girls would hold our hands and hug us continually and walk with us arm in arm everywhere we went! They have so much Love that is flowing out of the abundance of their hearts because they realize how much they are loved by God the Father! The house dad told us that the children never fight and always get along. They watch over one another and are being trained to take care of one another. It was amazing to watch them all love each other and love us!  Jesus is everything to them!

There were other orphanages we went too such as the churches orphanage and Our little roses, but ALPHA & OMEGA had the most impact on my heart! I didn't know how much Spanish I actually knew, but I was able to communicate with the children and we understood each other. I just jumped in right away trying to speak Spanish! It was so fun to try and to watch the Lord God fill in the gaps :) He did this for me all week. Coach Gomez, who is fluent and from Cuba, told me that I know more than I have been letting on, but I lack confidence. I told him I didn't know how much I knew. The Lord helped me and I wasn't afraid to try to communicate with them! :)

We had so many great experiences:

Mrs. Daniel gave me some puppets to use with the children!
Hannah, Angelina, and Bethany helped me show them off :)
I used the cow and called her Rosalita la Vaca (Rosalita the Cow)
They were very helpful with the children! Thanks Mrs. Daniel
 Ministering in Song and dance for La Cosecha Church- we thought there were supposed to be 3,000 people, but there were actually 7,000 Hondurans there!!!! WOW! The Spirit of God was there and I didn't even notice there were so many people.

Ministering in song and dance for La Cosecha School- thought there were 300 there but there were approximately 1,000 students there.

Ministering at a back yard bible club at Danny's house- Danny is Suellen's sister and we ministered to the kids in her village in her back yard and cooked them spaghetti

Painting a house for the girls in the Orphanages transitional home- These girls are young women who choose to stay involved and apart of the orphanage after they are too old to live in the home. If they want to stay the orphanage provides a house for them as long as they work and are continuing studying. It is for them to be able to learn to live on their own.

Hiking to the Coca Cola Sign which is like the Hollywood sign haha

Getting corn rows lol :) done from a Honduran lady at her home and getting to minister to her family while we were there :)

Witnessing to our busdriver- The whole week our translator, who is the assistant headmaster at our school, was witnessing to him and the men at Samaritan's purse were also. When he dropped us at the airport yesterday, the Lord led me to go tell him he Needed Jesus Christ in His heart and I asked him to please read his bible. It would be amazing if We went back next year and he had gotten saved!

and there is SO Much More!!
All the girls and some of our group out in the Poorest village.
I have already written so much and I'm sorry if it sounds like rambling, but there is really so much! I have had the most humbling and blessed week! God is so good to his people and His Love endures FOREVER! AMEN!